March 11 homework
Grade 7 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. Read to page 55 in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions in paragraph form:- On Nov. 7, what were Anne’s feelings about her sister, Margot, and her relationship with her parents? Be specific.
- What were the “Secret Annexe Rules”?
Grade 8 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. Read ten minutes aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Complete Pride and Prejudice vocabulary 13-16. Answer the following study question in a well-developed paragraph(s) using examples and quotes from the book:- Charlotte Lucas says, “Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance” (p. 24). What does this statement reveal about her? Do you agree with her statement? Explain.
Grade 9 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. If needed, finish your timeline. Re-read the parts in Book II about Laocoon. Be ready to write about him tomorrow.Speech - Persuasive speech due Thursday.Publications - Finish putting together your pages.Creative Writing - No homework.