Grade 6 – Study your Latin vocabulary. Read Chapter XVII, “The Isle of Tiboulen” (p. 130-134) in The Count of Monte Cristo aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Where does Edmond swim?
2. What does he tell the crew of the ship that picks him up?
3. What does Edmond figure out about the ship?
4. How many years have passed since 1815?
Grade 7 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Write a paragraph on one of the three topic sentences supporting your thesis about My Early Life. Read aloud 20 minutes to an adult and have them sign your reading log.
Grade 8 - Study your Latin vocabulary. Read Chaps. 21 and 22 in Pride and Prejudice aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log. Write a paragraph on why the other characters in the book think Mr. Collins is annoying. Use examples and quotes from the book.