February 4 homework

Grade 6 - Read twenty minutes aloud from from Julius Caesar to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Read Act V, Scene 1 and 2 in the book. Memorize your part in the short version of the play (handout). Draw a picture of Caesar or Pompey on unlined paper. Color it.

Grade 7 - Rewrite the paragraph on Lenin we did together in class, and incorporate the changes ("dress-ups") we made. Write a second paragraph from our keyword outline. Add two dress-ups to your paragraph: 1) a quality adjective, and 2) a when, while, where, as, since, if, or although clause in the middle of a sentence.

Grade 8 - Make a keyword outline for the first three sections of the article on the constitution given in class. Be ready to write cohesive paragraphs from your outline tomorrow.
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