7th-12th Grade Summer Homework

Summer homework (note changes!)
All classes need to fill out a Major Works Data Sheet for each of the items read.
  1. Incoming 7th grade: HG Wells, War of the Worlds
  2. Incoming 8th grade: Diary of Anne Frank
  3. Incoming 9th grade: Twelfth Night  by Shakespeare
  4. Incoming 10th grade: Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare and Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
  5. Incoming 11th and 12th Grade: Choose from the options below, depending on what class you are taking next year.
    1. Modern Literature (11th and 12th Grade): Dubliners by James Joyce and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
    2. AP Language (open to 11th and 12th graders): Follow the instructions in the AP Summer Packet on Mrs. McAllister’s blog.
      Then, read all 3 of these essays:
      “Civil Disobedience”-Henry David Thoreau http://thoreau.eserver.org/civil.html
      “Shakespeare’s Sister” – Virginia Woolf http://www.haverford.edu/psych/ddavis/psych214/woolf.room.html
      “Education by Poetry” – Robert Frost http://www.en.utexas.edu/amlit/amlitprivate/scans/edbypo.html
      AND  read one of the following books:

      Origin of the Species
      by Charles Darwin or Walden by Henry David Thoreau
      a NON-fiction book by one of the following authors: Shelby Foote, Frank McCourt, Susan Orlean, Stephen Ambrose, Maya Angelou, Oscar Wilde, Christopher Hitchens, Malcolm Gladwell, Annie Dillard, Barbara Kingsolver, Paul Theroux
      a biography of one of the US Presidents or any of the Founding Fathers
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