Grade 7 - Study your Latin/Greek roots and finish your drawings. Make a new divider for your storage notebook: ‘Anne Frank.’ Read to page 11 in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions in complete sentences:
1. What special present did Anne receive for her birthday?
2. What does the quote “paper is more patient than man” mean to you?
3. Why did Anne begin keeping a diary?
4. Why did Anne’s immediate family not feel “the full impact of Hitler’s anti-Jewish laws”?
5. What are three anti-Jewish laws Anne mentions?
6. Why can’t Anne ride the tram to the dentist?
7. Who is Harry?
Grade 8 - Study your Latin/Greek roots and finish your drawings. Read Chapters 2 and 3 in Pride and Prejudice aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Complete Pride and Prejudice vocabulary 3-6. Answer the following study questions in well-developed paragraphs using examples and quotes from the book:
1. In Chapter 2, how does Mr. Bennet poke fun at Mrs. Bennet? Is she aware of his teasing?
2. In Chapter 3, what is Elizabeth's opinion of Mr. Darcy? Why?
Grade 9 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. Download "Gr 9 - Iliad chronology" and use it to help you finish your Iliad timeline.
Speech - Persuasive speech due Friday.
Publications - No homework.
Creative Writing - No homework.