October 15 homework

Grade 7Read aloud for ten minutes and have your reading log signed. Copy and paste (or write out by hand) two definitions of 'evolution' and cite the source.

Grade 8 - Read aloud for ten minutes and have your reading log signed. Finish reading Chapter 9 in Animal Farm. Answer the following study questions in complete sentences:

169. What announcement was made about barley?
170. Describe the Spontaneous Demonstration.
171. What proclamation was made concerning Animal Farm?
172. What further details were “discovered” about Snowball’s involvement with Jones?
173. What did Moses talk about when he returned?
174. What kept Boxer working?
175. What misfortune came to him?
176. What happened to Boxer?
177. What was Squealer’s explanation of what had happened to Boxer?
178. What did the pigs plan?

Grade 9 - Finish Part II of "The Controversy" of the Book of Job. Make a list of Zophar's points and a counterlist of Job's responses.

Speech - Practice your 500 word speech.

Publications - No homework.

Creative writing - Write in your journal.
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