September 30 homework

Grade 7Read aloud for ten minutes and have a parent/guardian/sibling over 16 years old sign your reading log.Begin reading Chapter 6 of Call the Wild. Define the following vocabulary words and answer the study questions:

1. conjuration
2. convalescence
3. grubstake

Study Questions
1. Compare and contrast Buck's relationship with John Thornton and Judge Miller.
2. Why did Buck follow John Thornton everywhere?

Grade 8 - Read aloud for ten minutes and have a parent/guardian/sibling over 16 years old sign your reading log. Read enough of Chapter 6 of Animal Farm to answer the following study questions in complete sentences:

95. What problems arose regarding the construction of the windmill?
96. What animal was indispensable in the work?
97. What other problems arose?
98. What new policy did Napoleon start?
99. What silenced all objections?
100. What opinion did the outside world have?
101. What rumors were spread about business agreements?

Grade 9 - Write your own one-page poetic "curse" based on the poetic pattern Job uses in the Book of Job handout.

Speech - Practice your speech. Bring your item for tomorrow's tea.

Publications - No homework.

Creative writing - Develop your plot.
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