September 24 homework

Grade 7 – Write about subtopic three of your research paper. Your complete rough draft is due Friday. Finish reading Chapter 4 of Call of the Wild. Define the following vocabulary words, and in one sentence each, answer the study questions:

1. obdurate
2. sheepishly

Study Questions
1. What was Buck's and the team's new job?
2. How was the team treated?
3. What happened to Dave and why?

Grade 8 - Write about subtopic three of your research paper. Your complete rough draft is due Friday. Read Chapter 4 of Animal Farm and in one sentence each, answer the following study questions (you may already have the questions in a handout). To help manage the large number, try to answer the questions as you read so you don't have to look back in the chapter:

57. What efforts were made to influence others in Animalism.
58. Where was Mr. Jones?
59. What was the relation between the two neighbors?
60. What position did they take in regard to the Rebellion on Animal Farm?
61. What was the effect of the rumors about the farm?
62. In October, what excitement arose?
63. Was this unexpected?
64. Describe the animals' first attack.
65. Describe the second attack.
66. Who were the winners in this attack?
67. What was Snowball's intention in retreating?
68. What had happened to Mollie?
69. How did the animals celebrate their victory?
70. What decoration was conferred upon Snowball and Boxer/
71. What name was given to the battle?
72. What became of Mr. Jones' gun?

Grade 9 - Write about subtopic three of your research paper. Your complete rough draft is due Friday. Review Gilgamesh for a quiz Friday.

Speech - Refine your speech.

Publications - No homework unless you're still working on your article.

Creative writing - Write 10 minutes in your journal. Begin developing your plot.
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