September 23

Grade 7 – Write about subtopic two of your research paper. Your complete rough draft is due Friday. Read through page 45 in Chapter 4 of Call of the Wild. Define the following vocabulary words, and in one sentence each, answer the following study questions:

1. comply
2. lugubriously (!)

Study Questions
1. What does François mean when he says that Buck is "two devils"?
2. What happened when François put Sol-leks into the lead position?
3. How is Buck's leadership different from Spitz's?
4. Why would François and Perrault sell the team of sled-dogs if they were doing such a good job?

Grade 8 - Write about subtopic two of your research paper. Your complete rough draft is due Friday. If you have not already done so, finish reading and study questions for Chapter 3 of Animal Farm.

Grade 9 - Write about subtopic two of your research paper. Your complete rough draft is due Friday.

Speech - Refine your speech.

Publications - No homework unless you're still working on your article.

Creative writing - Write 10 minutes in your journal.
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