Grade 6 – Study your Latin vocabulary and endings for a quiz on Friday. Correct the rough draft of your paper on the following question: What is an American patriot? Why should I try to be one? If you're typing your paper, use a 14 pt. font and double-space. If you're writing your paper in cursive, use pencil so further corrections can easily be made. Read Chapter XII, “Numbers 34 and 27” in The Count of Monte Cristo aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log.
Grade 7 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings for a quiz on Friday. Write a page explaining the following from Chapter IX, "Education at Bangalore", in My Early Life. Use short quotes and examples: What does Churchill tell us ethics are? What are Churchill's new found "mental needs?" How does he fulfill those needs? Finish reading Chapter IX (p. 113-121) aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log.
Grade 8 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings for a quiz on Friday. Read Chaps. 15 and 16 in Pride and Prejudice aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log. Write a page explaining the following comment by Mr. Bennet in Chapter 15 (p. 71):"Mr. Collins was not a sensible man, and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society."