Grade 6 – Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Read Chapter XXI, “The Pont de Gard Inn”, in The Count of Monte Cristo aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. How does Edmond get the treasure off of the island?
2. What is the news concerning Mercédès and his father?
3. Who runs the Pont du Gard Inn?
4. Who arrives to visit with the owner? About what does he want to know?
5. We know that the abbé is an imposter. Who might he be?
6. How does the abbé manipulate Caderousse into sharing what has happened to the others?
Grade 7 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Write a paragraph on the third of the three topic sentences you wrote supporting your thesis. Read the handout “Charles Lindbergh” aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log.
Grade 8 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Read Chapters 2 and 3 in Vol. 2 in Pride and Prejudice aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Write a paragraph on why the other characters in the book think Mr. Collins is cocky. Use examples and quotes from the book.