Grade 6 – Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Answer the following questions about Chapter IX, “The Little Cabinet of the Tuileries”, The Count of Monte Cristo:
1. Who is the king of France?
2. Of what does his advisor warn him?
3. How does the king react to the warning?
Read Chapter X, “The Ogre” aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log.
Grade 7 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Work on your Tempest quote. Write a page explaining the Sacco-Vanzetti trial.
Grade 8 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Study for your constitution test on Friday. Answer all parts of the following question from page 24 in Pride and Prejudice:
1. Charlotte Lucas says, “Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.” What does this statement reveal about her? Do you agree with her statement? Explain.