Grade 6 - Read twenty minutes aloud from Julius Caesar to an adult and have them sign your reading log. By now you should be to the end of Act I, if not farther. If you have already been assigned a role in our shortened version of Julius Caesar, begin memorizing your role. If not, be ready tomorrow to read for the part you're interested in.
Grade 7 - Read twenty minutes aloud from The Tempest to an adult and have them sign your reading log. By now you should be to the end of Act I, if not farther. Per orders from the Czar: if you are a commoner, you must write the words 'Russian Revolution' twice on a piece of paper.
Grade 8 - Read twenty minutes aloud from Twelfth Night to an adult and have them sign your reading log. By now you should be to the end of Act I, if not farther. Also, memorize the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.