Grade 6 - Write two paragraphs describing a leader of your choice, comparing their leadership qualities to the list we made in class. Use your own words. Read twenty minutes from Julius Caesar aloud to to an adult and ask them to sign the bottom of your paragraph page.
Grade 7 - Begin planning your map of Russia. You may use any materials you like. It may be any size and form, as long as the features listed on your handout are clearly identified. By Monday be ready to turn in a brief description of your map and a list of materials you plan to use . Read twenty minutes from The Tempest aloud to to an adult and ask them to sign your agenda.
Grade 8 - Watch a parent-approved comedy on television. On page 1-5 of your handout, make a list of comedic devices it uses, and on page 1-6 compare them to the devices Shakespeare uses in A Comedy of Errors. Read twenty minutes from Twelfth Night aloud to to an adult and ask them to sign the bottom of your keyword outline page.