October 3 homework

Grade 6 - Present your key word outline to a parent or guardian. Ask them to initial your outline after you present. Then write a paragraph from your outline.
Read pp. 32-33 in the Odyssey.

Grade 7 - Present your key word outline to a parent or guardian. Ask them to initial your outline after you present. Then write a paragraph from your outline.
Choose five words from Chapter 6 of Call of the Wild and define them.

Grade 8 - Present your key word outline to a parent or guardian. Ask them to initial your outline after you present. Then write a paragraph from your outline.
Define the following words, and write the page number they are found on in Chapter 5 of Animal Farm:
1. pretext
2. blithely
3. breeches
4. gaiters
5. manifestly
6. knoll
7. dynamo
8. unintelligible
9. aloof
10. procure
11. articulate
12. cunning
13. tactic
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