Grade 7 - Continue collecting sources (due Monday) for your Klondike paper. Use the MLA guideline handout to format your bibliography. Study your flashcards for a quiz tomorrow. Read Chapter 2 in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. As you read, write down and define 5 words you don't know under the five vocabulary words you got from Chapter 1 (label each set of words according to the chapter you got them from). Continue to place this paper in the 'Vocabulary' part of your binder. As you read, also answer the following study questions on a separate piece of paper (which you will place in the 'Study Question' part of your binder):
- Describe the reason that Dr. Lanyon became estranged from Dr. Jekyll. What does this indicate about Lanyon’s character?
- Why is Utterson so obsessed with images from Enfield’s story about Hyde that he cannot sleep?
- Once Utterson confronts Hyde, how does he feel toward him? What reasons does Utterson give for his feelings about Hyde?
- Why doesn’t Stevenson ever tell us what Hyde’s face looks like?
- Describe the appearance of the street and house in which Dr. Jekyll lives. What can we infer about Dr. Jekyll from this setting?
- In a complete sentence, write down one thing you like about this chapter.
Grade 8 - Continue collecting sources (due Monday) for your paper. Use the MLA guideline handout to format your bibliography. Study your flashcards for a quiz tomorrow. "Teach" your "Russian History influenced the writing of Animal Farm" handout, sections 11-12 about Stalin and his reign of terror. Be ready to write about it without looking at your notes. Read Chapter 10 in Animal Farm and answer the following study questions:
- Describe conditions at Animal Farm after several years had passed.
- What increases had taken place?
- What became of the promises Snowball had once made the animals.
- What terrifying thing startled the animals?
- What became of the Seven Commandments?
- How was the third commandment ignored?
- What conclusion can you draw about the results of Animalism?