Interrogation: Rhetorical questions interrogation: rhetorical questions

Interrogation: Rhetorical questions

From English Composition and Rhetoric, by Alexander Bain;  English Composition by W. Davidson; Practical Rhetoric, by Albert Raub:
Interrogation (Latin interrogo, ‘I question’) is a figure by which a statement is made in the form of a question.
What people chooses to be under foreign dominion?
This is equivalent to: “No people chooses to be under foreign dominion.”

I. Questions have rhetorical strength.

Hath he said it, and shall he not do it?

A. The question affirms strongly that what is said will be done.

B. It is an animated form of expression.

The speaker puts forth in the form of questions what he neither doubts nor expects to be answered. A certain pitch of excitement is requisite to justify the boldness of this figure.

II. Questions require our attention. 

Were we sent into the world simply to make money?
We may be indifferent when someone is merely making declarations, but on being appealed to by a question, we default to a state of attention.

III. The negative affirms; the positive denies. 

A. Negative affirmation

Is it not God who justifies?

B. Positive denial

Does God pervert justice?

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