Thanksgiving remembrance
From Thanksgiving by William Adams:
Thanksgiving Day has
a history attached to it. Like the Latin word "virtus," it is a
history which runs through the entire life of a people...In that transition period through which we are passing, it is
well to think of the primitive strength which is beneath us, and upon
which a fruitful surface invites and rewards our toil. The origin of
this day was with a people who were exiles for the sake of truth and
liberty, and who gave a soul to the scattered colonies of the Western
Hemisphere. "Te Deums" had been chanted in the cathedrals of the Old World by royal decree, at the birth of princes, the coronation of kings,
and the issue of great battles; but the voluntary appointment of a day, by a whole people, for
the distinctive purpose of rendering thanks to the Almighty for his
manifold blessings, civil and religious, national and domestic, marks an
epoch in history.
Happy Thanksgiving all!