All - Latin Unit 11 retest on Friday.
Grade 9A - Read pp. 190-193 in the Aeneid. Write a 5 sentence paragraph using sandwiched cited quotes to describe the arrogance of Turnus as he slays Pallas. Grade 9B - No homework.
Grade 10 - Read Bk II, Chap. 18-19 in A Tale of Two Cities. In your reader's journal, write three questions about your reading, and answer them with cited quotes.
Grade 10 - Read Bk II, Chap. 18-19 in A Tale of Two Cities. In your reader's journal, write three questions about your reading, and answer them with cited quotes.
Grade 11 - Read Chap. 37-40 in Moby Dick, quiz. In your reader's journal, write three questions about your reading, and answer them with cited quotes.
Creative Writing - Edit your story.
Publications - Finish your advertisement.
Typing/handwriting - Practice.
Creative Writing - Edit your story.
Publications - Finish your advertisement.
Typing/handwriting - Practice.