Credit recovery - For those of you doing credit recovery who want to do or redo reader's journal assignments, I've uploaded assignments for each grade level. To download, click on the desired link to the right under 'Class handouts and downloads.' If you have any questions, please comment here, email, or call me.
Grade 9 - Uploaded excerpts with questions from Genesis (2 question sets w/ 9 questions each) and Gilgamesh (2 sets w/ 9 questions). Well-written answers to the first nine questions for a reading (you choose which reading) will count as one journal assignment.
Grade 10 - Uploaded excerpts with questions from Beowulf (in complete sentences, answer questions 1-3 and 6-7) and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (in well-developed paragraphs, answer questions 1-3).
Grade 11 - Uploaded "Young Goodman Brown" (choose 8 of the 13 questions, and answer fully).