Grade 7 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Practice your part for the act you will perform. Read through Act III, scene iii, and finish the vocabulary part of your Act III Tempest handout.
Grade 8 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Read about the characters in Twelfth Night and read the first three scenes in Act I. Answer the following study question: How do the opening lines of Twelfth Night introduce the theme of love?
Grade 9 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. Practice your part for the act you will perform. Read the second half of the Book of Matthew.
Grade 9 - Study your Latin/Greek roots. Practice your part for the act you will perform. Read the second half of the Book of Matthew.
Speech - No homework.
Publications - No homework.
Creative Writing - No homework.
Publications - No homework.
Creative Writing - No homework.