All – Translate the following sentences:
(into English) Portāmus portās.
(into Latin) I give the sword.
Grade 6 – Study your Latin vocabulary for a test on Friday. Finish reading (from page 546) Chapter LXVII, “Separation,” in The Count of Monte Cristo. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Chapter LXVII: Who are the man and the woman meeting in secret at the house on Rue Saint-Germaine-de Pres?
2. Why is the woman alarmed?
3. What does the woman hope the man will say in response to the letter?
4. What does he say instead?
5. What is Albert’s plan?
6. What is the difference between Mrs. Danglers and Mercédès?
Grade 7 - Study your Latin vocabulary for a test on Friday. Read from the bottom of page 219 through page 229 in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. May 2, 1944 – Who does Anne turn to for advice concerning her relationship with Peter?
2. What is the advice Anne receives?
3. How was Dussel’s birthday celebrated?
4. May 3, 1944 – What are some of the questions Anne asks herself “despairingly?”
5. Why is Anne still optimistic?
6. May 7, 1944 – What is the nature of the letter Anne has written her father?
7. What was Pim’s response to Anne’s letter?
8. Why does Anne feel remorse?
Grade 8 - Study your Latin vocabulary for a test on Friday. Read chapters 24 and 25 in To Kill a Mockingbird aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Chapter 24: Why won’t Jem and Dill let Scout go swimming with them?
2. What do the ladies of the Missionary Society of Maycomb complain about?
3. What is Miss Maudie’s response to the ladies’ complaints?
4. How does Aunt Alexandra smooth everything over?
5. Atticus enters the house and requests Aunt Alexandra and Calpurnia’s presence in the kitchen. What news does he have for them?
6. Why does Scout feels for the first time inclined to be ladylike?
7. Chapter 25: Why does Scout think that Jem is becoming more of a “lady” than she is?
8. What does Scout think about the “secret courts of men’s hearts?”
9. What was Mr. Ewell’s response to the news about Tom?
10. Why is Scout afraid for Atticus?