All – Translate the following sentence
into English: Occupāmus campōs, sed occupō viam.
into Latin: I fight the poet, and we fight the daughters.
Grade 6 – Study your Latin vocabulary. Finish reading from page 492, Chapter LX, “Valentine,” in The Count of Monte Cristo. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Chapter LX: Why does Valentine think she is taking her grandfather’s medicine?
2. Why is she really taking it?
3. Why does Valentine not die?
4. Who do you think has moved in next door?
Grade 7 - Study your Latin vocabulary. Read from the bottom of page 169 to page 183 in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Mar. 7, 1944 – By the first half of 1943, Anne “began to see” what?
2. Anne says that she and her mother are “entirely different about” something. What is it?
3. Mar. 12, 1944 – What do you think Anne means when she says Margot “lacks the nonchalance for conducting deep discussions?”
4. Mar. 14, 1944 – What setback has affected the diet of the residents of the Secret Annex?
5. What difference do the diet restrictions make?
6. Mar. 16, 1944 – Why is Anne more restless than Peter?
7. What is the “brightest spot of all” for Anne?
8. Mar. 17, 1944 – Why does Anne feel she still has difficulty relating to her parents?
9. Mar. 19, 1944 – What is another reason Anne says she doesn’t tell Margot everything?
10. Mar. 20, 1944 – What “little shadow” has fallen on Anne’s happiness?
Grade 8 - Study your Latin vocabulary and endings. Read chapters 18 and 19 in To Kill a Mockingbird aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Chapter 18: What does Mayella say she hired Tom Robinson to do?
2. What does it tell us about Mayella when she thinks Atticus is mocking her by calling her “Miss”?
3. What kind of family is the Ewell family?
4. What is Mayella’s opinion of Mr. Ewell as a father?
5. Is Mayella’s testimony consistant? Give an example.
6. What’s wrong with Tom’s left arm?
7. Chapter 19: What happens when Tom takes the stand for cross examination and tries to take the oath?
8. Scout thinks about how lonely Mayella is. Why is this so?
9. How does Mr. Gilmer address Tom? What does this tell you about his attitude toward Tom?
10. Tom says he helped Mayella because he felt sorry for her. Why does the court audience react when he says this?
11. Why does Dill cry?