All – Translate the following sentences:
(into English) Litterās poētae amō.
(into Latin) We call the sailors and the farmers.
Grade 6 – Prepare for your Latin test tomorrow. Finish reading (from page 557) Chapter LXVIII, “The Judge,” in The Count of Monte Cristo. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Chapter LXVIII: When Villefort confronts his wife, what does he hint that she should do?
2. Where does Villefort go?
3. What will Villefort return?
4. What does Villefort hope to find when he comes home?
Grade 7 - Prepare for your Latin test tomorrow. Read from the bottom of page 230 through page 245 in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Read aloud to an adult, and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. May 10, 1944 – What kind of trouble does Mouschi cause?
2. May 19, 1944 – Describe Anne’s current relationship with Peter.
3. May 20, 1944 – What book does Anne “loathe?”
4. May 22, 1944 – What is all Holland talking about?
5. What does Anne mean when she says, “What one Christian does is his own responsibility; what one Jew does is thrown back at all Jews?”
6. May 25, 1944 – Why was the vegetable man “picked up?”
7. Who are left to govern the cities and towns?
8. May 26, 1944 – Why does Anne ask, “Would it not have been better for us all if we had not gone into hiding?”
9. June 6, 1944 – What special day is it?
10. How does this event make Anne feel?
Grade 8 - Prepare for your Latin test tomorrow. Read chapters 26 and 27 in To Kill a Mockingbird aloud to an adult and have them sign your reading log. Answer the following study questions:
1. Chapter 26: Scout has lost her fear of the Radley place, but what does she daydream about?
2. Why does Scout find Miss Gates hypocritical?
3. What is Jem’s response when Scout tries to talk to him about the trial?
4. How does Atticus excuse Jem’s response?
5. Chapter 27: What happens to Mr. Ewell?
6. Why does Judge Taylor read with a gun across his lap?
7. Why does Helen Robinson walk nearly a mile out of her way in order to avoid walking past the Ewell’s house?
8. What does Mr. Link Deas do?
9. What does Aunt Alexandra think about Ewell’s threats?
10. What part does Scout play in the school pageant?
11. Why does Jem have to escort Scout to the pageant?