February 19 homework

Grade 6 - Study Latin vocabulary and word endings. Read aloud to an adult twenty minutes from The Count of Monte Cristo, beginning at Chapter 4. Answer the following study questions in complete sentences:

1. When are Mercédès and Edmond to be married?
2. What unexpected event interrupts the feast?
3. With what is Edmond charged?

If you are going to use prompts for the play on Friday, make those and bring them to class.

Grade 7 - Study Latin vocabulary and word endings. Read aloud Chapter IV in My Early Life. Answer the following study questions in complete sentences:

1. Why was Churchill no longer handicapped by past neglect of Latin, French and Mathematics? What was he particularly interested in studying?
2. What is Churchill's attitude toward war? What does he think he's missing?
3. What is Lord Randolph's response to Churchill's overtures of "friendship?" Why do you think so? What does Churchill think might have happened if his father had lived another five years?

Grade 8 - Study Latin vocabulary and word endings for a quiz on Friday. Read aloud Chapters 7-10 in Pride and Prejudice. Write a paragraph(s) answering the following questions:

1. What is an amendment?
2. How are amendments made to the constitution?
3. What does ratify mean?
4. What is the Bill of Rights? How many amendments does it include, and what is their purpose?
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