Grade 6 - Here are the parts that were assigned today in class:
Portia - Alleigha
Ghost - Brayden
Announcer 1 - Bailey
Announcer 2 - Madeline
Calphurnia - Hannah U.
Caesar - Lexi
Brutus - Jesse
Soothsayer - Harley
Decius - Jonathan
Cassius - Emma
Mark Antony - Simon
Casca - Hannah J.
Artemidorus - Delaney
Flavius - Joseph
Marullus - Andrew
Trebonius - Kailea
Metellas Cimber - Wyatt
Lucilius - Chloe
Lucius - Kevin
Cobbler - McKaylee
Titineous - Tyrus
Cinna - Alleigha
Citizen - Thomas
Messalu - Makayla
Volumnius - Hanna
Clitis - Zach
Strato - Ammon
Pindarus - Tucker
Cicero - Garret