Xavier Student Procedures 2007-2008

I enjoyed meeting you all today! Xavier is going to have a fantastic middle school. I'm posting the Student Procedure Manual that we went over, so you can discuss it with your parents or guardians.

Xavier Student Procedures 2007-2008

Xavier School Creed

I am a member of the Xavier Charter School family.

I am intelligent and capable. I have great expectations for myself, and I accept the challenge to become the best I can be.

I am trustworthy, respectful, fair and caring. I allow humility and service to others to illuminate the path before me.

I am proud, strong and brave—a leader of tomorrow.

Eight Expectations for Living
  1. We will value one another as unique individuals.
  2. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes, nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
  3. We will use good manners, saying “please”, “thank you”, and allow others to go first.
  4. We will cheer each other to success.
  5. We will help one another whenever possible.
  6. We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
  7. We will encourage each other to do our best.
  8. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.

“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you.” –Henry Ward Beecher

Procedures for entering the classroom
1. Unload your backpack into your cubbie. Bring only what you need to class.
2. Quietly wait outside the classroom until your teacher greets you.
3. If a “ticket” to class has been assigned, present it to your teacher as you enter the class room.

“Well begun is half done.” –Greek proverb

Classroom entry procedures
1. Put homework and notebooks in their appropriate place.
2. Quietly begin working on your entry assignment.

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” –Oprah Winfrey

Class participation procedures
1. Raise your hand if you have a question or comment.
2. Stand and deliver.
3. Speak in complete sentences addressing the person to whom you are speaking by his/her name.
4. Think before you speak to allow your brain to process information.
5. Rephrase questions into statements.
6. Thank the person who answers your questions.

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. –William Jennings Bryan.

Procedures for working in cooperative groups
1. Every member of the group must understand the goal.
2. Every member of the group has a responsibility.
3. Every member of the group will share resources, materials, and information.
4. Every member of the group will understand and master the assignment.
5. Every member of the group will listen respectfully to other members.
6. If a member of the group has a different opinion, s/he will wait until the person is finished talking and then share.
7. Members of the group will encourage one another whenever possible.
8. Each member will say, “thank you” when s/he is honored or rewarded.

“Anytime you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you know he had some help.” –Alex Haley

Hallway procedures
1. Walk on the right side of the hallway.
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Walk with a purpose, keeping pace with the rest of your group.
4. Allow others to go first whenever possible.

“Be satisfied with nothing but your best.” –Edward Rowland Sill

Restroom procedures
1. Restroom breaks will be taken individually during class time.
2. Take the restroom pass and exit quietly.
3. Always wash your hands with soap before returning to class.
4. Return to class as quickly as possible, and put the pass in its appropriate spot.

“Form good habits. They’re as hard to break as the bad ones.” –Unknown

Audience and Assembly procedures
1. Enter the assembly area quietly.
2. Remain in number order and be seated, keeping hands and feet to yourself.
3. Give the speaker your undivided attention.
4. Be an active listener, participating when appropriate.
5. Speak in complete sentences and address the speaker by name.
6. Give the speaker a round of applause at the end of the presentation, and thank him/her for sharing information with you.
7. Look at your teacher for instructions.
8. Exit the area quietly.

“Etiquette is behaving in a way that is a little better than is absolutely necessary.” –Will Covey

Procedures for greeting visitors
1. The teacher assistant (TA) will answer the door when a visitor arrives.
2. S/he will welcome the visitor by shaking his/her hand and saying, “Welcome to our class. My name is _____. And you are _____? How may I help you?”
3. After greeting the visitor and determining the purpose of the visit, the TA will either assist the visitor accordingly or introduce him to the class by saying, “Mr/s. _____ and Class, this is Mr/s. ______.”
4. The class will welcome the visitor by saying, “Welcome to our class. We’re glad that you are here. We stand strong, stand together, stand proud.”
5. The TA will then show the visitor to a seat.

“Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.” –Lady Mary Montague

Class exit procedures
1. Write homework assignments in your planner.
2. Pick up any trash and return classroom materials to the appropriate spots.
3. Wait quietly at your desk until the teacher dismisses you.
4. If it’s your last class of the day, stack your chair as you leave.

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” –Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Procedures for using cell phones
1. Cell phones may be brought to school only with permission from the principal after a permission form has been filled out.
2. Cell phones must be turned off prior to entering the school building and must remain off during school hours.
3. Cell phones must be left in the student’s backpack during school hours and may not be removed for any reason.

“Thinking well is wise; planning well, wiser; doing well wisest and best of all.” –Persian proverb

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